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Haqida Aloqa |

Zircon powder is a fine powder made from zircon, a mineral that is found in nature. Zircon is a hard, white mineral that is resistant to heat and corrosion.

Zircon powder is a versatile material with a wide range of applications. It is a hard, wear-resistant material that is also resistant to heat and corrosion. Zircon powder is an important material in a variety of industries, including ceramics, stakan, refractories, metalworking, and water filtration.

Zircon powder physical and chemical indicators

zircon powder
zircon powder

Rongsheng kompaniyasini tanishtirish

Rongsheng Group haqida
Rongsheng Group haqida

Rongsheng kompaniyasi o'tga chidamli materiallarni professional yetkazib beruvchi hisoblanadi, bilan 10 yillik eksport tajribasi, dan ortiq eksport qilmoqda 80 mamlakatlar. Rongsheng kompaniyasining asosiy mahsulotlari turli xil o'tga chidamli g'ishtlarni o'z ichiga oladi, shakllanmagan refrakter materiallar, metallurgiya materiallari, thermal insulation materials and so on.