Tel: +86-18638759011 Elektron

Haqida Aloqa |

Protect the molten steel from oxidation when it flows into the crystallizer from the tundish, evenly distribute the molten steel into the crystallizer, and control the flow state of the molten steel in the crystallizer, with good slag resistance, anti-blocking, uzoq xizmat muddati, and low accident rate.

Submerged Nozzle for Continuous
Submerged Nozzle for Continuous

Submerged nozzle physical and chemical indicators

Fizikaviy va kimyoviy ko'rsatkichlar:

Al2O3  %≥55≥50≥45≥40
C %≥16≥18≥20≥22
Flexural Strength MPa≥5.5≥5.5≥5.5≥5
Koʻrinib turgan gʻovaklik %≤19≤19≤19≤19
Bulk density g/cm3≥2.36≥2.32≥2.28≥2.18

Slag Area

ZrO2  %≥75≥70≥65≥55
C %≥9≥12≥15≥18
Apparent porosity %≤21≤21≤21≤22
Bulk density g/cm3≥3.6≥3,5≥3.4≥3.2

Rongsheng kompaniyasini tanishtirish

Rongsheng refrakter yetkazib beruvchi
Rongsheng refrakter yetkazib beruvchi

Rongsheng kompaniyasi o'tga chidamli materiallarni professional yetkazib beruvchi hisoblanadi, bilan 10 yillik eksport tajribasi, dan ortiq eksport qilmoqda 80 mamlakatlar. Rongsheng kompaniyasining asosiy mahsulotlari turli xil o'tga chidamli g'ishtlarni o'z ichiga oladi, shakllanmagan refrakter materiallar, metallurgiya materiallari, thermal insulation materials and so on.