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Haqida Aloqa |

 Aluminum titanium boron wire is mainly used for grain refinement of aluminum and aluminum alloys, which can significantly improve the strength and plasticity of aluminum or castings and improve the comprehensive mechanical properties; Reducing the scrap rate can significantly improve the surface quality and improve the uniformity and brightness of oxidation coloring of profiles; It is widely used in aluminum castings, aluminum profiles, aluminum cables, aluminum foil and other industries.

Aluminum titanium boron wire details

aluminum titanium boron wire details
aluminum titanium boron wire details

Rongsheng kompaniyasini tanishtirish

Rongsheng refrakter yetkazib beruvchi
Rongsheng refrakter yetkazib beruvchi

Rongsheng kompaniyasi o'tga chidamli materiallarni professional yetkazib beruvchi hisoblanadi, bilan 10 yillik eksport tajribasi, dan ortiq eksport qilmoqda 80 mamlakatlar. Rongsheng kompaniyasining asosiy mahsulotlari turli xil o'tga chidamli g'ishtlarni o'z ichiga oladi, shakllanmagan refrakter materiallar, metallurgiya materiallari, thermal insulation materials and so on.