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Haqida Aloqa |

Crucibles mainly include silicon carbide crucibles and graphite crucible, which are mainly made of flake graphite and silicon carbide. They have the characteristics of good thermal conductivity, high density, korroziyaga qarshilik, less slag adhesion, high mechanical strength, oxidation resistance, thermal shock resistance, va boshqalar. They do not react with molten metals in the smelting process, and are not easy to leak and adhere. They are widely used in the smelting of alloy tool steel and the smelting of non-ferrous metals such as copper, alyuminiy, and their alloys.


Technique Data

ElementMolten copper, precious metals and rare earth alloysMolten aluminum and low melting point metals
Forming methodPlasticityIsostatic pressurePlasticityIsostatic pressure
Carbon Content %≥38≥45≥38≥45
Bulk density g/cm3≥1.7≥1,85≥1.7≥1,85
Koʻrinib turgan gʻovaklik %≤29≤21≤29≤21
Cold Crushing Strength MPa≥20≥25≥20≥25
Refractoriness ℃≥1500≥1500≥1400≥1400

Rongsheng kompaniyasini tanishtirish

Rongsheng refrakter yetkazib beruvchi
Rongsheng refrakter yetkazib beruvchi

Rongsheng kompaniyasi o'tga chidamli materiallarni professional yetkazib beruvchi hisoblanadi, bilan 10 yillik eksport tajribasi, dan ortiq eksport qilmoqda 80 mamlakatlar. Rongsheng kompaniyasining asosiy mahsulotlari turli xil o'tga chidamli g'ishtlarni o'z ichiga oladi, shakllanmagan refrakter materiallar, metallurgiya materiallari, thermal insulation materials and so on.