Xitoy gil g'isht mijozi yana buyurtma beradi
Bizning kompaniyamiz yaqinda eski xitoylik mijozdan uchinchi buyurtmani oldi, buyurtma miqdori yetib borishi bilan 133,062 yuan. 2024 Bu mijoz biz bilan hamkorlik qilganiga uchinchi yil bo'ldi. Har bir farmoyish o‘rtamizdagi hamkorlik va ishonchning yanada chuqurlashib borayotganidan dalolat beradi. The product purchased this time is still clay brick.
Chinese customer introduction
The Chinese refractory clay brick customer is a company specializing in the construction and maintenance of high-temperature industrial equipment. They have strict requirements for refractory materials. Their clay bricks are used in large quantities, but they also have high requirements for the quality and performance of the clay bricks.
Details of our cooperation
We have a cooperative relationship with this customer starting in 2022. Over the past three years, they have purchased our clay bricks for several of their high-temperature industrial projects. This order is the third in 2024, and the order amount reached 133,062 yuan, further consolidating our cooperative relationship.
Clay brick product features
Our clay bricks are known for their excellent fire resistance, thermal shock resistance, and long life. After multiple uses, customers have spoken highly of the quality and performance of our products. Clay bricks are widely used in high-temperature environments such as high-temperature furnaces and metallurgical furnaces, providing a reliable guarantee for the stable operation of equipment.
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