Fırın elektrotları nedir?

Furnace electrodes are grafit elektrotlar. Grafit elektrotlar, yüksek sıcaklığa dayanıklı grafit iletken malzemelerdir ve çelik üretimi ve silikon yapımı endüstrilerinde önemli sarf malzemeleridir..

furnace electrodes
furnace electrodes

Classification of graphite electrodes

According to the difference in power and current during use, it is produced using different raw materials and production processes. It can be divided into general power graphite electrode (RP), high power graphite electrode (HP), and Ultrahigh power graphite electrode (UHP).

Application of graphite electrodes

grafit elektrotlar
grafit elektrotlar

Ordinary power graphite electrodes are allowed to use graphite electrodes with a current density lower than 17A/cm2, which are mainly used in ordinary power electric furnaces for steelmaking, silicon refining, yellow phosphorus refining, vesaire.; high-power graphite electrodes are allowed to use graphite electrodes with a current density of 18~25A/cm2 Graphite electrodes are mainly used in high-power electric arc furnaces for steelmaking; ultra-high-power graphite electrodes allow the use of graphite electrodes with current densities greater than 25 A/cm2 and are mainly used in ultra-high-power electric arc furnaces for steelmaking.

What raw materials are needed to produce furnace electrodes?

furnace electrodes
furnace electrodes

A small amount of pitch coke can be added to ordinary power graphite electrodes, and the sulfur content of both petroleum coke and pitch coke cannot exceed 0.5%. Needle coke is also required when producing high-power or ultra-high-power graphite electrodes. The main raw material for aluminum anode production is petroleum coke, and the sulfur content is controlled to not exceed 1.5% ile 2%.

How furnace electrodes are produced?

furnace electrode
furnace electrode

The process flow generally goes through 8 main processes, including calcination, ingredient mixing, pressing, roasting, impregnation, secondary roasting, graphitization, and processing, to reach the finished product. The preparation cycle of graphite electrodes is 90-120 günler, of which the preparation cycle of graphite electrodes is 90 günler, and the production cycle of graphite electrode joints is about 120 günler.