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Silicon carbide mullite bricks are fired bricks composed of mullite (3Al2O3.2SiO2) and silicon carbide (SiC) as the main minerals. Silica-mullite brick has the high-temperature resistance of mullite and the wear resistance, korozyon direnci, and good thermal conductivity of silisyum karbür.

Silica-mullite brick
Silica-mullite brick

Physical and chemical indicators of silica mullite refractory brick

Kimyasal bileşim
Kütle yoğunluğu(g/cm3)≥2,65≥2.70
Görünür Gözeneklilik (%)≤19≤19
Soğuk Kırma Dayanımı(Mpa)≥90≥100
Refractoriness Under Load≥1650≥1680
Termal şok direnci≥15≥20
silica mullite refractory brick physical and chemical indicators

The main uses of silicon carbide mullite brick

Cement Kiln
Cement Kiln

It is suitable for the transition zone, preheating zone, tertiary air duct, five-stage preheater, and lime kiln discharge chute of cement rotary kiln.

Comparison of silicon mullite brick and magnesia-alumina spinel bricks

silica mullite refractory brick
silica mullite refractory brick

Silica mullite refractory bricks are suitable for the transition zone of cement kilns as well as magnezya-alümina spinel tuğlalar. Compared with magnesia-alumina spinel bricks, they have a higher cost performance. Compared with magnesia-alumina spinel bricks, silicon mullite bricks have the advantages of low thermal conductivity, iyi termal şok stabilitesi, and high cost performance.

Compared with silicon carbide mullite bricks, magnesia-alumina spinel bricks have the advantage of stronger corrosion resistance and the disadvantage of high thermal conductivity. In the system of waste cement rotary kiln processing, magnesia-alumina spinel bricks have better alkali-sulfur corrosion resistance. , so in large-scale rotary kilns, magnesium-alumina spinel bricks are still mostly used for masonry due to safety factors.

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