Dökülebilir malzemeler ve sıkıştırma malzemeleri arasındaki fark

Castables and ramming materials are both unshaped refractory materials. Dökülebilir malzemeler ve sıkıştırma malzemeleri çeşitli agregalardan yapılmıştır, tozlar, ve makul oranda bağlayıcılar. They are both unshaped refractory materials. Although they are the same type of amorphous refractory materials, they differ greatly.

What are the differences between castables and ramming materials?

tokmaklama malzemeleri
tokmaklama malzemeleri

Construction methods are different

Ramming mass is constructed by ramming and hardened by heating. It is usually formed directly or after adding liquid by pounding (manuel veya mekanik) or vibration and hardens when the temperature is higher than room temperature.

Dökülebilir ürünler are constructed by pouring and can harden without heating. It is mainly delivered in dry form and is used after mixing with water or other liquids. Genellikle, vibration casting, non-vibration (self-flowing) döküm, ramming, spraying, or tamping when necessary are used to form and harden without heating.

Different material classifications

Ramming materials are classified according to materials: yüksek alümina, kil, magnesite ramming mass, dolomit, zirkonyum, ve silikon karbür-karbon refrakter çarpma malzemeleri.

Castables are classified by material: 1. According to porosity distribution, there are two types: dense refrakter dökülebilir malzemeler and insulating refractory materials with a porosity of not less than 45%; 2. According to binders, they are divided into hydraulic bonding, chemical bonding, and cohesion and combined with refractory castables.

Dökülebilir ürünler
Dökülebilir ürünler

Different applications

Castable is the most widely produced and used unshaped refractory material at present. It is mainly used to construct various heating furnace linings and other integral structures. It is used in heavy-duty furnaces and heating equipment in metallurgy, petrol, kimyasal endüstri, Yapı malzemeleri, elektrik gücü, and machinery industry. High-quality shock absorbers are widely used in metallurgy, Yapı malzemeleri, ve demir dışı metaller. Smelting, kimyasal, makineler, ve diğer imalat endüstrileri. Products can also be used in smelting furnaces.

The ramming material is a bulk material made of silicon carbide, grafit, and electrically calcined anthracite as raw materials, mixed with various ultrafine powder additives, and fused cement or composite resin as a binding agent. Fırın soğutma ekipmanı ile duvar veya duvar tesviye tabakası için dolgu malzemesi arasındaki boşluğu doldurmak için kullanılır.. The ramming material has good chemical stability, erozyon direnci, ve aşınma direnci.