Тел: +86-18638759011 Почтаи электронӣ:inquiry@rsnewrefractory.com

Дар бораи Тамос |

The stopper has the advantages of good erosion resistance and erosion resistance, stable flow control during casting, tight closure after casting, ва ғайра.

Stopper rod physical and chemical indicators

Physical and chemical indicators

Al2O3  %≥45≥40
C %≥20≥25
Flexural Strength MPa≥5.5≥5.5
Apparent porosity %≤19≤19
Bulk density g/cm3≥2.36≥2.2

Head Part

Al2O3  %//≥70≥65≥60//
MgO %≥65≥60//////
Al2O3+MgO %///// ≥70≥65
C %≥9≥12≥9≥12≥15≥8≥10
Bulk density g/cm3≥2.45≥2.4≥2.65≥2.6≥2.55≥2.6≥2.45
Apparent porosity %≤19≤19≤19≤19≤19≤19≤19

Rongsheng company introduction

Rongsheng refractory supplier
Rongsheng refractory supplier

Rongsheng Company is a professional supplier of refractory materials, with 10 таҷрибаи солонаи содирот, exporting to more than 80 countries. The main products of Rongsheng Company include various refractory bricks, масолехи ба оташ тобовар бешакл, масолехи металлурги, thermal insulation materials, and so on.

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