Методы хранения различных типов рефрактерных материалов

Метод хранения рефрактерных материалов имеет решающее значение для обеспечения их качества и производительности. Если хранить неправильно, на рефрактерные материалы могут повлиять влажность, окисление, contamination, or mechanical damage, which will affect their use effect. The following will introduce the storage principles, меры предосторожности, and common problems of different refractory materials to help you better manage and protect these high-temperature-resistant materials.

Main types of refractory materials and storage requirements

Storage method of refractory bricks

different types of refractory materials
different types of refractory materials

Storage requirements: should be placed in a dry and ventilated room to avoid moisture and rain.
Stacking method: wooden pallets or cushions should be used when stacking to prevent direct contact with the ground to absorb moisture.
Damage prevention: avoid stacking too high to prevent breakage, especially for brittle огнеупорный кирпич такой как силикатный кирпич.

Casting materials, напыление покрытий, материалы для набивки

Sealed storage: It should be stored in a well-sealed moisture-proof bag to avoid moisture or agglomeration.
Temperature control: Try to store it in an environment of 5℃-30℃ to avoid high or low temperatures that affect its performance.
Avoid long-term storage: Refractory materials such as отливки and spray coatings usually have a shelf life (обычно 3-6 месяцы) and should be used as soon as possible.

different types of refractory materials
different types of refractory materials

Refractory plastics, огнеупорная глина

Prevent air drying: This type of material contains a certain amount of moisture, so it should be sealed during storage to prevent moisture evaporation and hardening.
Avoid direct sunlight: It should be placed in a cool, ventilated place to avoid long-term direct sunlight that may cause moisture loss.

Ceramic fiber materials

Prevent moisture: Ceramic fiber materials are easy to absorb moisture, so they need to be placed in a dry warehouse and sealed with plastic packaging.
Avoid compression deformation: When storing products such as ceramic fiberboard, pay attention to storing them flat or upright to avoid deformation caused by heavy objects that affect construction.

Ceramic fiber materials
Ceramic fiber materials

There are many types of refractory materials, and different types of materials have different requirements for storage environments. When purchasing refractory products, they should be stored according to the storage recommendations given by the supplier, and the use conditions should also be paid attention to during construction.