Разница между силикатным кирпичом и полусиликатным кирпичом
В огнеупорной промышленности, Кварцевый кирпич и полукремнеземный кирпич — два распространенных высокотемпературных материала.. Они широко используются в стали., цемент, удобрения, и другое высокотемпературное промышленное оборудование. Although these two materials are both silicate refractory materials, they have some significant differences in composition, производительность, and application fields. Understanding these differences can help you choose the most appropriate material for your specific needs. This article will delve into the main differences between silica bricks and semi-silica bricks.

Silica bricks and semi-silica bricks have different compositions
Силикатный кирпич is a refractory material mainly made of raw materials such as silica, кварц, доломит, и т. д.. Its main component is SiO2. В целом, silica bricks are obtained by high-temperature calcination.
Semi-silica bricks are made by adding a certain amount of additives such as alumina and magnesium oxide to silica bricks and through a special molding process. Поэтому, the SiO2 content in semi-silica bricks is relatively low, but its material properties are further enhanced.

Differences in performance
Silica brick has extremely high heat resistance and chemical stability and is a very excellent refractory material. It has high-pressure resistance, износостойкость, устойчивость к коррозии, и другие характеристики, and performs well in high-temperature environments. Поэтому, silica bricks are widely used in high-temperature occasions such as furnace walls, furnace bottoms, and kiln walls.
Compared with silica bricks, semi-silica bricks are more suitable for use in some special environments. After adding additives such as alumina and magnesium oxide, the material is finer and has higher fire resistance and heat resistance. The refractoriness, vertical hot and cold cycle performance, compressive strength, and other aspects of semi-silica bricks are better than silica bricks.
The difference between the use of silica brick and semi-silica brick

Silica bricks are suitable for the construction of thermal equipment and thermal barriers in high-temperature environments and are often used in high-temperature places such as chimneys, печи, and furnaces.
Semi-silica bricks are widely used in chemical, металлургический, стекло, ceramic, и другие отрасли, such as pressure crucibles and discharge electrodes in the germanium pulling section. Кроме того, semi-silica bricks can also be used as insulation materials and anti-corrosion flue linings.
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