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Silicon carbide ramming mass is a bulk material made of silicon carbide, графит, и электрокальцинированный антрацит в качестве сырья, mixed with a variety of ultrafine powder additives, и плавленый цемент или композитная смола в качестве связующего вещества.. It is used to fill the gap between the furnace cooling equipment and the masonry or as a filler for the masonry leveling layer.

Карбидокремниевая набивная масса
Карбидокремниевая набивная масса

Physical and chemical indicators of silicon carbide ramming material

SiC %≥30≥50
Bulk density g/cm3≥2,5≥2,6
Кажущаяся пористость %≤18≤18
Прочность на сжатие при нормальной температуре МПа110℃×24ч≥60≥80
Heating permanent line change % 1400℃×3h±0,3±0,2
Wear resistance cm3≤6≤4

Characteristics of silicon carbide ramming mass

  1. Excellent chemical stability and acid and alkali corrosion resistance
  2. Excellent high-temperature resistance and wear resistance, able to withstand extreme temperature and wear conditions.
  3. Высокая теплопроводность, effectively conducts heat and improves equipment thermal efficiency.
  4. Strong compressive strength, reaching ≥60 MPa and ≥80 MPa at 110℃ respectively.
    5 Отличная износостойкость, extending equipment service life.

Application of silicon carbide ramming mass

  1. High-temperature equipment in the power industry; such as boilers and reactors.
  2. High-temperature equipment in the metallurgical industry; such as furnaces and kilns.
  3. Large high-temperature reactors and piping systems in the chemical industry.

Sic ramming mass production ratio

Sic ramming mass
Sic ramming mass
  1. Порошок карбида кремния is the main component that provides hardness and durability to the ramming material.
  2. связующее: Commonly used binders include resins, ceramic binders, и т. д., which are used to bond silicon carbide powder together and keep it in a certain solid form.
  3. Lubricant: Lubricants such as polyvinyl alcohol and beeswax are usually used to reduce the friction between silicon carbide powders and improve the fluidity of the ramming material.
  4. Mold release agent: used to apply to the ramming material mold to facilitate the smooth removal of the ramming material from the mold.
  5. Другие добавки: According to needs, some other additives, such as pigments, fillers, и т. д., can be added to improve the performance of the ramming material or meet specific needs

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