Как отличить огнеупорный цемент от огнеупорного

И огнеупорный цемент, и огнеупорный материал представляют собой неформованные огнеупорные материалы, используемые в высокотемпературном термическом оборудовании.. Все еще, между ними много различий, которые можно отличить по использованию, form, and construction method.

огнеупорный цемент
огнеупорный цемент

Refractory castables and refractory cement have different uses

Fire cement is mainly used to repair and bond refractory materials such as огнеупорный кирпич and refractory boards to repair masonry structures or fill brick gaps. It is often used for repair and construction work in small areas. Refractory castables are mainly used for large-area refractory construction, such as casting refractory layers of kilns, печи, отопительные печи, и другое оборудование.

Refractory castables and fire cement have different shapes

Огнеупорный цемент is powdery, while огнеупорные бетоны are composed of large and small particles and fine powder.

The construction methods of furnace castable and refractory cement are different

furnace castable
furnace castable

The refractory castable is constructed by vibrating pouring. Before construction, it is necessary to make the equipment pour the mixed castable into the construction area, and then discharge the air bubbles by vibrating to obtain a uniform construction effect. Refractory cement is generally used as an additive, not alone. It is used to evenly repair the construction site by smearing.