Введение антикоррозионного углеродистого кирпича

Антикоррозийный углеродный кирпич с использованием прокаленного нефтяного кокса, металлургический кокс, и графитовый порошок в виде агрегатов, с фенольной смолой в качестве связующего. После перемешивания (жидкая фенольная смола является связующим веществом.), штамповка, high-temperature curing, and then impregnation with liquid phenolic resin It is processed by processes such as solidification and solidification and has super acid resistance and corrosion resistance. It is an ideal lining anti-corrosion material for the chemical industry, phosphate fertilizer, electric power energy, металлургия, mining, атомная энергия, нефть, water treatment, и т. д..

anti-corrosion carbon brick
anti-corrosion carbon brick

Characteristics of graphite carbon brick

  1. Отличная коррозионная стойкость
    The product uses calcined petroleum coke as aggregate and coal pitch as binder. The finished product is both acid and alkali-resistant and high-temperature-resistant.
  2. Stable performance and strong durability
    The product is roasted at high temperature and its structure is extremely stable. The structure of the product will not change with temperature changes.
  3. Accurate appearance and dimensions
    The finished product is molded and then machined, with good quality and precise dimensions. All products can be produced according to user requirements and can fully meet various construction and masonry technology requirements.
acid-resistant carbon brick
acid-resistant carbon brick

Physical and chemical indicators of anti-corrosion carbon bricks

ЭлементunitAnti-corrosion carbon brick
Compressive strengthМПа>45
Предел прочности при изгибеМПа>12
Максимальная рабочая температура150
Защита от проникновенияМПа0.8

What acidic substances can anti-corrosion carbon bricks deal with?

acid-resistant carbon bricks
acid-resistant carbon bricks

Anti-corrosion carbon bricks can be used in some hydrofluoric acid and hot phosphoric acid environments, и acid-resistant bricks or кислотостойкая керамическая плитка can be used in acidic environments such as sulfuric acid, соляная кислота, and nitric acid.