Zirconium silicate powder is a versatile material with a wide range of applications. Este greu, material rezistent la uzură, care este, de asemenea, rezistent la căldură și coroziune. Zirconium silicate powder is an important material in a variety of industries.
Introduction of zirconium silicate powder

Zirconium silicate is a non-toxic, odorless white or off-white powder with a molecular formula of ZrSiO4 and a theoretical composition of 67.2% ZrO2 and 32.8% SiO2. The refractive index is 1.93-2.01, the Mohs hardness is 7-8, the thermal expansion coefficient is 4.2×10-6, the true specific gravity is 4.68-4.71, the melting point is 2500°C, and the decomposition point is 1550°C.
Zirconium silicate powder parameter
Articol | Specificație |
ZrO2+HfO2 % | ≥65.5 |
Fe2O3 % | ≤0.08 |
TiO2 % | ≤0.12 |
Al2O3 % | ≤0.15 |
SiO2 % | ≤32.7 |
Specific Gravity | 4.69 |
Melting Point ℃ | 2500 |
Refractive Index % | 1.97 |
Mohs Hardness | 7.5 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion ×10-6/℃ | 4.2 |
Appearance | White or Off- white powder |
Application of zirconium silicate powder
Widely used in ceramics, wall and floor tiles, glazes, sticlă, electronics, si alte domenii. The particle size is fine, the distribution is reasonable, the whiteness is high, the hiding power is strong, and it can significantly improve the ceramic body-glaze bonding performance, increase the hardness of the ceramic glaze surface, and replace expensive tin dioxide and zirconium dioxide. It has strong wear resistance and a whitening effect.

Introducere companiei Rongsheng

Rongsheng Company este un furnizor profesionist de materiale refractare, cu 10 ani de experiență în export, exportând în mai mult de 80 ţări. Principalele produse ale companiei Rongsheng includ diverse cărămizi refractare, materiale refractare neformate, materiale metalurgice, materiale termoizolante și așa mai departe.
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