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Semi-silica brick is an aluminum silicate refractory product with an alumina (Al2O3) content of 15-30%, and is a semi-acidic refractory brick. Semi-silica bricks generally use refractory clay containing quartz sand, pyrophyllite, refractory clay, or kaolin beneficiation tailings as raw materials. Semi-silica bricks shrink less during firing, because at 1250°C, the quartz in the raw material is converted into cristobalite, and the volume expands, which partially offsets the shrinkage produced during clay sintering. The manufacturing process of semi-silica bricks can be divided into two types: fired or not fired. The manufacturing process of fired bricks is basically the same as that of clay bricks; non-fired bricks are mostly made of water glass as a binder.

Semi-silica brick
Semi-silica brick

Semi-silica brick details

Product NameSemi-silicon brick
Bulk Density g/cm³2.1
Porozitate aparentă %18
Normal temperature compressive strength / MPa29
Load softening temperature(T6.6) / °C1490

Characteristics of semi-silica bricks

Refractory: The refractoriness of semi-silica bricks is usually between 1580°C and 1680°C.

Rezistenta la coroziune chimica: It has good corrosion resistance against acidic and alkaline slags.

Thermal stability: It has good thermal stability and is suitable for environments with large temperature fluctuations.

Semi-silica brick application

semi-silica bricks
semi-silica bricks

Semi-silica bricks are stable in volume at high temperatures (slightly expanded), which is beneficial to improving the integrity of the masonry and reducing the erosion of the slag on the masonry; when in contact with high-temperature slag, a layer of viscous glaze-like substance is formed on the surface of the brick, blocking the pores and preventing the slag from penetrating into the brick, thereby improving the brick’s anti-erosion ability; and the load-deformation temperature is relatively high; so in some occasions, its service life is not inferior to that of ordinary clay bricks.
Semi-silica bricks are mainly used as linings for steel ladle and refractory layers for pouring steel systems. în plus, they can also be used for hot furnace roofs, regenerator checker bricks, cupola linings, various kiln bottoms and flues.

Semi-silica brick factory production process

  1. Raw material selection: Select raw materials with high silicon and aluminum content, such as clay and quartz.
  2. Mixing and homogenization: Mix and homogenize the raw materials to ensure uniform distribution of the ingredients.
  3. Molding: Use molding methods such as pressing or extrusion to make bricks of the required shape.
  4. Drying: The bricks are dried in a drying room to remove moisture.
  5. Firing: High-temperature firing in a tunnel kiln or shuttle kiln to form hard semi-silica bricks.
  6. Inspection and grading: The fired semi-silica bricks are inspected for quality and graded according to size, appearance, si performanta.

Introducere companiei Rongsheng

Furnizor de refractare Rongsheng
Furnizor de refractare Rongsheng

Rongsheng Company este un furnizor profesionist de materiale refractare, cu 10 ani de experiență în export, exportând în mai mult de 80 ţări. Principalele produse ale companiei Rongsheng includ diverse cărămizi refractare, materiale refractare neformate, materiale metalurgice, materiale termoizolante și așa mai departe.

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A: da, putem oferi mostre

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A: Suportăm personalizarea, ne puteți trimite planul și desenul dvs. de design, și vom face un plan complet de producție.

3. Q: Unde este locul de origine?

A: Din Zhengzhou, Henan, China

4. Q: Care este timpul dvs. de livrare?

A:In functie de cantitatea de produse achizitionate, timpul general este 7-12 zile. Daca este un produs personalizat, poate dura mai mult.

5. Q: Cum vă controlați calitatea?

A: În timpul procesului de producție, avem un sistem complet de control al calității compoziției chimice. După producție, toate bunurile vor fi testate, iar cu marfa se va elibera un certificat de calitate.

6. Q: Putem vizita compania dvs?

A: da, desigur. Sunteți foarte bineveniți în China și vom fi onorați să avem un client și un prieten.

7. Q: How do you get a quotation?

A: Ne puteți contacta direct prin datele de contact de pe site, sau lăsați un mesaj în formularul de contact de pe site, și vă vom trimite o ofertă de produs cât mai curând posibil.

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