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Crucibles mainly include silicon carbide crucibles and graphite crucible, which are mainly made of flake graphite and silicon carbide. They have the characteristics of good thermal conductivity, high density, rezistență la coroziune, less slag adhesion, rezistență mecanică ridicată, oxidation resistance, rezistenta la socuri termice, etc. They do not react with molten metals in the smelting process, and are not easy to leak and adhere. They are widely used in the smelting of alloy tool steel and the smelting of non-ferrous metals such as copper, aluminiu, and their alloys.


Technique Data

ArticolMolten copper, precious metals and rare earth alloysMolten aluminum and low melting point metals
Forming methodPlasticityIsostatic pressurePlasticityIsostatic pressure
Carbon Content %≥38≥45≥38≥45
Bulk density g/cm3≥1.7≥1.85≥1.7≥1.85
Porozitate aparentă %≤29≤21≤29≤21
Rezistența la strivire la rece MPa≥20≥25≥20≥25
Refractoriness ℃≥1500≥1500≥1400≥1400

Introducere companiei Rongsheng

Furnizor de refractare Rongsheng
Furnizor de refractare Rongsheng

Rongsheng Company este un furnizor profesionist de materiale refractare, cu 10 ani de experiență în export, exportând în mai mult de 80 ţări. Principalele produse ale companiei Rongsheng includ diverse cărămizi refractare, materiale refractare neformate, materiale metalurgice, materiale termoizolante și așa mai departe.

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