래들 슬라이드 게이트 플레이트의 수명은 얼마나 되나요??
래들 슬라이드 게이트 플레이트의 수명은 일반적으로 3-5 연령. 이 수치는 슬라이드 재질을 기준으로 한 평균 수명입니다., 사용빈도, 및 유지 보수. The ladle slide made of metal has a relatively long service life due to its strong corrosion resistance.

Service life of ladle sliding gate plate
The service life of the ladle slide gate plate is not constant and is affected by many factors. 가장 먼저, the specifications and materials of the 국자 슬라이드 게이트 시스템 are key factors that determine its service life. 현재, the common ladle skateboard materials on the market include refractory materials and metal materials.
As a protective layer, refractory materials have a certain protective effect, but their service life is relatively short and they need to be replaced in about 3 개월. Due to their strong corrosion resistance, metal materials have a significantly longer service life, generally up to 3-5 연령.
In addition to the material, the frequency of use also has a significant impact on the service life of the skateboard. High-frequency use will accelerate the wear of the ladle slide gate plate, thereby shortening its service life. 그러므로, arranging the use time reasonably and avoiding excessive use are important measures to extend the life of the ladle slide gate.

Maintenance of ladle slide gate system
- Wheel and bearing maintenance: Regularly clean the dust and debris on the wheels, and keep the bearings dry and clean. If the wheels are severely worn or the bearings do not rotate smoothly, they should be replaced in time.
- Wood and sticker maintenance: Keep the ladle slide gate system wood dry and tidy to avoid deformation of the wood in a humid environment. If the ladle slide gate plate sticker is damaged or peeled off, it can be replaced in time to keep the appearance intact.
- Screw and fastener inspection: Regularly check whether the screws and fasteners of the slide gate plates are loose or damaged. If necessary, use appropriate tools to adjust or replace them.

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