경량 멀라이트 단열 벽돌의 성능을 향상시키는 방법은 무엇입니까?
경량 멀라이트 단열 벽돌은 부하 연화 온도가 높습니다., 낮은 다공성, 그리고 좋은 내식성. 고품질 단열재입니다.. Mullite insulation bricks with different physical and chemical indicators have different insulation effects. 경량 멀라이트 벽돌 성능을 개선하는 방법?

What factors affect the performance of lightweight mullite insulation bricks?
Mullite insulation bricks usually contain impurity oxides such as TiO2、철2O3、CaO、MgO、케이2O and Na2영형. The impurity content in mullite produced from natural raw materials is higher than that in synthetic raw materials. These impurities Oxides act as fluxes in mullite, and the effects of various oxide impurities are different. 그 중, 케이2O and Na2O have the greatest influence on the liquid phase formation temperature, and TiO2 has the least influence.
Improve the performance of lightweight mullite insulation bricks
If you want to improve the insulation performance of mullite insulation bricks, you need to control the content of impurities. With the increase of Al2영형3 content in mullite bricks, the insulation performance will increase, but the increase in impurities will reduce the insulation performance, especially It is the content of K2영형, 이미2O and Fe2영형3, which is an important measure to obtain high-quality lightweight mullite insulation bricks.
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