耐火ボーキサイト, としても知られている calcined bauxite, 重要な工業鉱石です. 主成分は酸化アルミニウムです (Al2O3), そして特定の不純物も含まれています. Bauxite has a wide range of uses.

Aluminum Industry Bauxite is one of the main raw materials for the production of aluminum. Through high-temperature smelting, bauxite can be converted into metallic aluminum, which is an important raw material for the manufacture of various aluminum alloys and aluminum products and is widely used in defense, aviation, electrical appliances, chemicals, and daily necessities.
耐火物: Refractory bauxite is widely used in the manufacture of 耐火物 due to its stable properties at high temperatures. These materials are used as linings in high-temperature industrial furnaces such as hearths and furnaces in the production of steel, ガラス, セラミックス, and chemicals.

Precision casting: Bauxite clinker can be processed into fine powder, which can be used to make molds in precision casting technology, and then used in precision casting of military industry, 航空宇宙, communication instruments, 機械, and medical equipment.
Aluminum silicate refractory fiber: Bauxite is also the basic raw material for the production of ケイ酸アルミニウム耐火繊維. This refractory fiber has the characteristics of lightweight, 高温耐性, 良好な熱安定性, 熱伝導率が低い, and resistance to mechanical vibration. It has important applications in many industries such as steel, non-ferrous metallurgy, エレクトロニクス, 石油, 化学工業, 航空宇宙, atomic energy, and national defense. It can also be used to make a substitute for refractory bricks, 高温窯ライニングなど.
Other applications: Bauxite is also used to make alumina cement, grinding materials, セラミックス, 等. 化学業界では, bauxite can be used to produce various aluminum compounds for the production of chemical products.
