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Zirconium Corundum ramming mass is composed of fused zirconium corundum granules by oxidation method and a small amount of additives. It has the characteristics of atmospheric temperature hardening, high strength at high temperatures, low thermal expansion and shrinkage, and strong resistance to glass liquid erosion. It is the ideal material for sealing the layer at the bottom of the glass furnace molten pool.

Zirconium corundum ramming mass parameters

Maximum Grain Size mm50.60.4
ZrO2  %30以上
アル23  %≥48
SiO2  %≤20
かさ密度 g/cm33.23.13.1
Phase Compositionα-Al2○、BshiaddeleyiteQuartzGlass phase
見掛け気孔率 %3≤20
Compression Strength MPa 1400℃×3h≥25

Application of zirconium corundum ramming mass

Zirconium corundum 体当たり can be used in the power generation industry, 機械製造, 冶金産業, 石油化学産業, construction industry, 鉄鋼業, 等.

What testing equipment does Rongsheng have?

  1. Load softening temperature detection equipment
  2. Thermal stability testing equipment
  3. Chemical indicator testing equipment
  4. Compressive strength testing equipment
  5. Apparent porosity testing equipment
  6. High-temperature creep test equipment
  7. Sample drying equipment

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