耐高温セメントは、高温、耐火性に優れた特殊な材料です。, 工業用窯のライニング工事に広く使用されています。, ボイラー, および高温機器. In order to ensure that the performance of 耐火セメント can be fully utilized, attention should be paid to the construction of refractory cement during construction.
Precautions for the construction of high-temperature resistant cement

- 建設プロセス中, in order to prevent the setting time of high-temperature resistant cement from getting out of control, it is generally not allowed to be mixed with silicate cement, lime, and other cementing materials that can precipitate calcium hydroxide. The mixing equipment must be rinsed clean before use.
- When refractory cement is used to make refractory concrete, the sand and gravel ratio is the same as that of ordinary cement. When the concrete is in direct contact with the soil, waterproof materials (such as plastic cloth and felt, 等) should be used for isolation. Refractory cement should be naturally cured within three to six hours after molding, and water should not be supplied. さもないと, aluminum glue will be continuously precipitated when it encounters water, causing it not to harden. 同時に, early water loss should be prevented from causing carbonization, which will cause the concrete surface to become sulphur loose and powdery, and cracks to form inside, seriously affecting the strength of the concrete. したがって, it is necessary to supply water and moisten the concrete three to six hours after molding. The temperature is 15-25℃. When it exceeds 25℃, cooling measures should be adopted. The curing period is not less than three days, and steam curing is generally not allowed.

- No additives shall be added to refractory cement without testing.
- Refractory cement shall not be used in contact with unhardened silicate cement concrete. It can be used in contact with silicate cement concrete with demolding strength, but the joint should not be kept wet for a long time, otherwise, the concrete will expand and the structure will lose strength.
- Refractory cement shall not be used to pour large-volume concrete. The thickness shall not exceed 0.3 メートル. If it exceeds this limit, it must be immediately watered and maintained after the concrete hardens, and cooling measures must be taken. When used in reinforced concrete, the steel bars should be coated with a flammable layer to reserve expansion joints, and the protective layer of reinforced concrete should not be less than 60mm.
- When selecting refractory aggregates and powders, clinkers that meet the design requirements (化学組成, particle size grading, control of harmful substances, 等) must be selected for batching.
Rongsheng refractory cement manufacturer

Rongsheng Refractory Materials Co., 株式会社. is a refractory material manufacturer. It is a refractory cement factory that has been established for 20 years and has rich export experience. In addition to exporting refractory cement, it can also produce 耐火物キャスタブル, 耐火モルタル, 耐火プラスチック, と refractory ramming materials, as well as different types of 耐火レンガ. If you need to purchase high-temperature resistant cement, please feel free to contact me