高アルミナれんが is a kind of refractory brick, 耐火性は1770℃以上に達することがあります。. 高アルミナれんがの原料は、ボーキサイトまたはその他の高アルミナ含有量の原料から焼成されます。. 高アルミナれんがは中性耐火物です. High alumina bricks have good slag resistance and can be used in steelmaking electric furnaces, glass-melting furnaces, and cement rotary furnace linings. アルミナレンガの価格はいくらですか?
High alumina brick price
High alumina brick is the most widely used brick, and the price of high alumina brick varies according to the content of Al2○3. According to the content of Al2○3, it can be divided into super high alumina bricks, first-grade high alumina bricks, second-grade high alumina bricks, and third-grade high alumina bricks. 一般的に言えば, the higher the Al2○3 コンテンツ, the higher the price of the brick.
High alumina refractory brick size

The size of high alumina refractory bricks has a standard size and special-shaped brick size. When making special-shaped refractory bricks, molds are needed. If the output is less, the mold fee will be increased.
Physical and chemical indicators of high alumina bricks

High-alumina refractory bricks are important refractory products in refractory bricks. The performance of high-alumina bricks is also different due to different aluminum content. High alumina bricks are used in different kilns, and their physical and chemical index requirements are also different. したがって, when purchasing high-alumina bricks, it is necessary to tell the refractory material factory the purpose and required performance of high-alumina bricks, so as to facilitate the purchase of suitable high-alumina bricks.
Why the high alumina bricks price is different?

The price of high alumina bricks is related to the size, 物理的および化学的指標, and production costs of high alumina bricks. 一般的に, refractory bricks used in kilns or industries need to be customized, so the high alumina refractory bricks price is also different.