Formazione sui materiali per l'isolamento termico del gruppo Rongsheng
Nel mese di giugno 2023, the sixth large-scale professional technical training on thermal insulation materials began. Il gruppo Rongsheng effettuerà di volta in volta la formazione tecnica, hoping that Rongsheng employees can continuously learn new knowledge of prodotti refrattari and provide customers with better professional services.
Training content

The main content of the sixth training session is about the innovation of thermal insulation materials. The training form is that Rongsheng refractory technical engineers explain the professional content, and finally, the employees raise questions related to thermal insulation materials. During the explanation, our technical engineers will show the actual products related to refractory bricks. In this way, it can be more convenient to understand, and it can also have a deeper memory of the insulation materials explained.
What are the Rongsheng insulation materials?
Rongsheng’s insulation materials include two categories: insulation bricks and ceramic fiber products. There are many types of insulation bricks, ad esempio mattoni isolanti in mullite, aluminum bubble bricks, mattoni isolanti ad alto contenuto di allumina, mattoni isolanti in argilla, E zirconia bubble bricks.
Training objectives

Rongsheng Company is constantly accumulating experience, training product knowledge, researching insulation materials, upgrading technology, and providing customers with better services and better refractory solutions.
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