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Fused corundum brick is mainly composed of α-Al2O3, which has high-temperature resistance, strong alkali resistance, kompakt szerkezet, excellent chemical stability, strong wear resistance, and is far more resistant to various slags than other aluminum silicates. It is an ideal material for metallurgical electrolytic cells and sliding rail bricks for heating furnaces.

Az olvasztott korundtégla gyártási folyamata

olvasztott korund tégla

Fused corundum bricks are melted alumina in arc aluminum and then cast into a specific model, so the customization of fused corundum bricks needs to change different molds; through diamond abrasive processing, the required fused corundum bricks can be obtained.

Fused corundum brick parameter

Fused Cast α Corundum BricksFused Cast β Corundum BricksFused Cast α-β Corundum Bricks
Al2O3  %989294.0
Már2O %
SiO2+CaO+Fe2O3+TiO2  %≤1,0≤1,5≤2,0
α-Corundum %90244
β-Corundum %49755
Glass Phase %611
Testsűrűség (Dense part)  g/cm33.33.13.3
Cold Crushing Strength MPa20050200
0.2Mpa Refractoriness Under Load ℃17001700/
Static Resistance To Liquid Glass Erosion Depth mm/24h Ordinary Soda Lime Glass 1350℃×48h//0.3

Advantages of sintered corundum bricks

  1. High temperature and pressure resistance.
  2. Fire and heat insulation.
  3. High-density, anti-oxidation.
  4. High wear resistance.
  5. Erős korrózióállóság.
  6. Jó termikus stabilitás.
  7. Low coefficient of thermal expansion.
  8. Támogassa a testreszabást.

Application fields of fused corundum bricks

  • Iron and steel industry: Fused corundum bricks are often used in the lining of high-temperature containers such as ladles, iron ladles, and converters in the iron and steel industry.
  • Üvegipar: Fused corundum bricks are suitable for high-temperature parts such as glass steel sheets and furnace throats in glass furnaces.
  • Chemical industry: Fused corundum bricks can be used as refractory materials for high-temperature reaction kettles, high-temperature storage tanks, and high-temperature pipelines in the chemical industry.
  • Aluminum smelting industry: Fused corundum bricks can be used in the lining of high-temperature containers such as aluminum electrolytic cells in the aluminum smelting industry.
  • Powder metallurgy industry: Fused corundum bricks can be used for lining high-temperature sintering furnaces in the powder metallurgy industry.

Why choose Rongsheng

corundum brick factory

Corundum brick factory

refractory transportation

Strict quality inspection


One-to-one customized refractory production plan

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