Qu'est-ce que le ciment réfractaire?
Le ciment réfractaire est aussi appelé ciment aluminate et ciment haute température. Le ciment aluminate est composé de bauxite et de calcaire comme matières premières, clinker calciné avec de l'aluminate de calcium comme composant principal, and alumina content of about 50%, and then ground into a hydraulic cementitious material, refractory cement often yellow or brown, but also gray. High-temperature-resistant cement is usually used for lining industrial kilns.

Classification of refractory cement
Le ciment réfractaire peut être divisé en ciment réfractaire d'aluminate, ciment réfractaire à faible teneur en aluminate de calcium, ciment d'aluminate de calcium et de magnésium, and dolomite refractory cement according to the different components.
1. Ciment réfractaire d'aluminate
Aluminate refractory cement is generally a refractory cement made by mixing and grinding low-calcium aluminate refractory cement clinker and high-alumina cement clinker. Compared with low-calcium aluminate refractory cement: higher early strength, similar refractoriness, and consistent use.
2. Ciment réfractaire à faible teneur en aluminate de calcium
Low-calcium aluminate refractory cement is made of high-quality bauxite and limestone in an appropriate proportion, fritté et rectifié.
3. Ciment d'aluminate de calcium et de magnésium
Calcium-magnesium-aluminate cement is mainly made of high-quality bauxite and dolomite in an appropriate proportion, fritté et rectifié. The composition of calcium magnesium aluminate cement is usually: l'alumine représente 66% à 74%, l'oxyde de calcium représente 13% à 18%, et l'oxyde de magnésium représente 10% à 13%. Silica and iron oxide traces. The mineral composition is calcium aluminate and calcium aluminate accounts for 45% à 60%, and spinel accounts for 35% à 50%. The refractoriness is above 1650°C.
3. Dolomite refractory cement
Dolomite high-temperature cement is made of dolomite as the main raw material and then added with apatite, minerai de fer, etc..
What are the technical requirements for the production of high-temperature cement?
- The fineness of high-temperature cement: The finer the cement particles, the larger the specific surface area, the faster and more sufficient the hydration reaction, and the higher the early and later strength.
- Setting time of high-temperature cement: To ensure that there is sufficient time to complete various processes such as mixing, transport, and molding during construction, the initial setting time of cement should not be too short; after the construction is completed, it is hoped that the cement can harden as soon as possible to generate strength, so the final setting time should not be too long. The initial setting time of fire cement resistance should not be earlier than 45 minutes, and the final setting time should not be later than 390 minutes.
- Volume stability of refractory cement: The uniformity of volume change of cement paste in the process of setting and hardening is called the volume stability of cement. If the volume change is uneven, the volume stability is poor, and warping and cracking are prone to occur, reducing the quality of the project and even causing accidents.
What problems should be paid attention to when baking refractory cement furnace lining?
- At room temperature of 350°C, it is most likely to cause local bursts, une attention particulière doit donc être portée à la cuisson lente. If there is still a lot of steam coming out after keeping warm at 350°C, la vitesse de chauffage devrait encore être ralentie.
- Under the conditions of poor ventilation and difficult discharge of water vapor, the holding time should be extended appropriately.
- Lors de la cuisson avec de l'huile lourde, it is necessary to strictly prevent the heavy oil from spraying on the surface of the furnace lining to prevent partial bursting.
- Lors de la cuisson au bois de chauffage, direct contact with the flame often causes local heating to be too rapid, so it should be protected.
- For the newly poured fire cement resistant, it can be baked after at least 3 jours.
- The cooling of the refractory cement lining should also be slow, and forced ventilation should be avoided.
Rongsheng monolithic refractories factory

Rongsheng monolithic refractory material factory is a company that produces refractory materials for kilns. The monolithic refractory produced include castables, bétons à faible teneur en ciment, matériaux de pilonnage, and plastics. We support refractory product customization and can send samples for free.
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