Empresa de materiales refractarios de alta calidad de Rongsheng

Rongsheng es un proveedor de material refractario a gran escala en China. Cuenta con una planta de producción a gran escala.. Todos los productos refractarios han sido sometidos a un estricto control de calidad.. Los clientes históricos están muy satisfechos con nuestros productos y esperan cooperar con más demandantes de materiales refractarios..


Refractory material factory introduction

Refractory material
Materiales refractarios

Rongsheng has three refractory factories, the qualitative refractory factory produces refractory products such as refractory bricks, and the uncertain refractory factory produces castables, materiales de apisonamiento, and other products. Además, a new refractory material factory is being built. Due to the continuous development and growth of Rongsheng Refractory Material Company, the company continues to expand and needs a larger new factory to accept orders.

Refractory brick factory

refractory brick factory
refractory brick factory

Shaped refractory products mainly refer to some refractory bricks, incluido lightweight insulation bricks, and heavy refractory bricks, como ladrillos aislantes de mullita y alumina hollow ball bricks. Heavy refractory bricks include ladrillos con alto contenido de alúmina, ladrillos de sílice, ladrillos de magnesia, y ladrillos de corindón.

Unshaped refractory material factory

monolithic refractory factory
monolithic refractory factory

The unshaped refractory material factory includes calcinables refractarios, moldeables bajos en cemento, materiales de apisonamiento, recubrimientos en aerosol, and refractory plastics.

Rongsheng refractory services

refractory services
refractory services
  1. The company has professional technical engineers who can customize refractory products according to the drawings.
  2. Buen servicio postventa. We are looking for long-term cooperative companies to provide high-quality after-sales service.
  3. Enviar muestras gratis. Refractory material factories can send relevant samples for free.
  4. Bienvenido a visitar la fábrica. If you are interested, you can come to China to visit our refractory factory.