Introducción de ladrillos refractarios para la parte inferior del horno de arco eléctrico
Horno de arco eléctrico (EAF) es un equipo importante utilizado para la creación de acero en la industria metalúrgica. Produce acero calentando restos de metal o materias primas con arcos eléctricos. Durante la operación del horno de arco eléctrico, El fondo del horno necesita soportar alta temperatura, alta presión,mi, y corrosión química. Por lo tanto, the refractory bricks of the furnace bottom must have extremely high fire resistance, Resistencia al impacto, resistencia al choque térmico, and good chemical stability. These requirements determine the importance of refractory bricks in the selection and use of electric arc furnace bottoms.

What conditions should the refractory bricks of an electric arc furnace meet?
① Low resistivity;
② Low thermal conductivity;
③ Small change in resistance with temperature;
④ Good thermal shock resistance and slag resistance;
⑤ Long service life and low consumption.

Introduction to refractory materials for EAF bottom

To meet the above conditions, conductive Ladrillos de carbono de magnesia are directly laid on the copper plate of the conductive furnace bottom, and a layer of material de apisonamiento with good conductivity is covered on the built furnace bottom, with a thickness of about 150mm. Durante el proceso de producción, carbon-containing magnesium materials can be used for repair. This refractory furnace bottom can be repaired hot and cold and has a longer service life than other furnace types.
For magnesia carbon bricks that meet the above requirements for the conductive furnace bottom of the DC arc furnace, only when the key material (grafito) in the magnesia carbon brick reaches a certain amount of residual carbon, can the carbon-containing bonding matrix be used to obtain higher conductivity.

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