¿Puede la lana aislante de fibra entrar en contacto con el agua??
Fiber insulation wool is a common thermal insulation material. Como material aislante térmico., los parámetros de un 1260 La manta de fibra cerámica incluye principalmente la temperatura de funcionamiento., conductividad térmica, Densidad a Granel, conductividad térmica, linear shrinkage, tensile strength, tamaño, etc.. This article briefly introduces the various parameters of the 1260 manta de fibra cerámica.

Are ceramic fiber blankets the same as aluminum silicate blankets?
Ceramic wool products are inorganic silicate fibers, non-flammable and flame retardant. Ceramic blankets, also known as aluminum silicate blankets, are made of aluminum silicate wool. Aluminum silicate products are the same as productos de fibra cerámica.

¿Puede la lana aislante de fibra entrar en contacto con el agua??
Conventional fiber insulation blankets are afraid of water because they have strong water absorption, with a water absorption ratio of 1:10. When ceramic fiber blankets absorb water, they become conductors, and the heat transfer effect is the same as water. The ceramic fiber blankets lose all their heat preservation and fire resistance functions. Hydrophobic fiber insulation blankets do not absorb water. If you use ceramic fiber blankets in a water environment, it is recommended that you use hydrophobic ceramic fiber blankets instead of conventional ceramic fiber blankets.

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