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Andalusite refractory bricks use andalusite as raw material, add sillimanite powder, mullite powder, and other powders, add binders according to the proportion, and strictly control the particle size, grade, and impurities such as TiO2 and R2O of the raw materials. After smelting, forming, και ξήρανση, it is fired at high temperatures, which can meet the needs of different parts and working environments of modern blast furnace hot blast stoves, and plays an important role in improving the service life of blast furnace hot blast stoves.

andalusite refractory bricks in different shapes
andalusite refractory bricks in different shapes

Andalusite brick’s physical and chemical indicators

Ο Αλ2Ο3  %≥69≥65≥61≥57≥53
Fe2Ο3  %≤1,0≤1,0≤1.2≤1.2≤1,5
TiO2  %≤0,5≤0,5≤0,5≤0,6≤0,6
Μαζική Πυκνότητα g/cm3≤20≤20≤20≤20≤20
Φαινόμενο πορώδες %2.55~2.702.50~2.652.45~2.602.40~2.552.35~2.50
Αντοχή ψυχρής σύνθλιψης MPa≥55≥55≥50≥50≥40
0.2Mpa Refractoriness Under Load ℃≥1700≥1700≥1650≥1600≥1520
Μόνιμος γραμμικός ρυθμός μεταβολής %1500℃×2h
Creep Rate % 0.2MPa 0~50h≤0.8 1550℃≤0,8

Features of andalusite brick

andalusite brick
andalusite brick
  1. Αντοχή σε υψηλές θερμοκρασίες, αντοχή στη φθορά, και αντοχή στη διάβρωση.
  2. Καλή αντοχή στο θερμικό σοκ.
  3. Low creep rate.
  4. Υψηλή θερμοκρασία αποσκλήρυνσης υπό φορτίο.
  5. Can reduce harmful impurities.
  6. Good thermal peeling resistance.
  7. Various specifications
  8. Adequate inventory, delivery on time

The raw material of andalusite brick

Mullite powder, andalusite fine powder, sillimanite fine powder, clay, silicon micro powder, και τα λοιπά.

Andalusite refractory brick manufacturing process

Prepare the raw materials according to the formula ratio, then put the mullite powder, andalusite fine powder, and sillimanite fine powder into the sand mixer for mixing, then add clay and 2% of the total weight of the raw materials for mixing, and then add silicon The micro powder is mixed and pressed into adobe by a brick press machine. After the adobe is dried, it is put into a firing kiln for sintering, that is, it is fired into an andalusite refractory brick.

The use of andalusite bricks in hot blast stoves

andalusite bricks for kilns
andalusite fire bricks for kilns

For hot blast furnace walls, checker bricks, furnace roof, and combustion chamber (andalusite low creep series).

Andalusite brick transportation

andalusite brick transportation
andalusite brick transportation

After the factory receives the order, it will be produced as soon as possible and will be shipped within 7-12 ημέρες. Customized products will take longer.

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