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Χημική βιομηχανία

The cracking furnace is the core of ethylene production, and the refractory material is an important factor affecting the service life of the cracking furnace. Among them, the lining and working group of the SRT cracking furnace use refractory materials.

χημική βιομηχανία

SRT cracking furnace

Refractories for SRT cracking furnace

SRT ethylene cracking furnace

Πυρίμαχα τούβλα:

In the internal high temperature area of ​​the cracking furnace, refractory bricks are used to construct the wall and bottom of the furnace.

Refractory castables:

Refractory castables are used to fill and repair small gaps and damaged parts of furnaces.

Refractory fiber:

Used for the insulation layer of the furnace.

Τούβλα μόνωσης:

In the external area of ​​the pyrolysis furnace, insulation bricks are used to reduce heat conduction and heat loss.

Thermal barrier coating:

The external surfaces of the pyrolysis furnace are coated with a thermal barrier coating. These coatings are usually made of ceramic fibers, refractory cement and other materials, which can provide better heat insulation effect.

Κουβέρτα από κεραμικές ίνες

Θερμοκρασία ταξινόμησης ℃114012601400
Permanent linear change %
℃×24 ώρες
Θερμική αγωγιμότητα W/(m·K)500℃≤0,153
Αντοχή εφελκυσμού MPa 25mm πάχος>0.04>0,05>0.04>0.06
Χύδην πυκνότητα kg/m364/96/128/160
Ο Αλ2Ο3  %≥44≥45≥45≥52≥36
SiO2  %≥52≥52≥54≥46≥48
ZrO2  %////≥15
Fe2Ο3  %≤1,0≤0,8≤0,2≤0,2≤0,1
Ο Αλ2Ο3+SiO2  %≥96≥97≥99≥99
Ο Αλ2Ο3+SiO2+ZrO2 %////99

Refractory plastic

ΕίδοςΚαρβίδιο του πυριτίουZirconium Chrome Corundum
Al2O3 %///≥80
Ούτω %≥40≥60≥70/
Cr2O3 %///≥3
ZrO2 %///≥2
Bulk Density g/cm3
110℃×24 ώρες
Permanent Linear Change %
1000℃×3 ώρες
Cold Crush Strength MPa
1000℃×3 ώρες
Wear resistance at room temperature cm3
1000℃×3 ώρες
Thermal shock stability cycle 1000℃ water cooling≥30≥35≥40≥30
Plasticity Index %15~55
Plasticity W/(m·K) 1000℃3~ 55~76~82~3
Maximum service temperature ℃1400150016001600

High alumina refractory castable

ΔείκτηςHigh Alumina Castable
Al2o3 %65
Sio2 %30
Cao %6
Bulk density g/cm³110℃,24η2.5
Cold bending strength MPA110℃,24η6
Hot bending strength MPA110℃,24η45
1350 Burning line rate of change0.2
Mixing water consumption %10-12%
Operating temperature1400

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