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The main content of silicon carbide bricks is SIC, and its content reaches 72%-99%. Silicon carbide refractory bricks can be combined with clay, oxide, and silicon nitride in different ways. The characteristics of its response and the industry of application are also different.

Silicon carbide brick
Silicon carbide brick

Silicon carbide brick

PoložkaBonding Type
JílMulliteSi02Si3N4Sialonβ-SiCR-SiCSiliconizing reaction
SiC %>85>70≥90≥72≥71≥94≥99≥80
Si3N4  %///≥20////
Al2Ó3  %////≥5///
Si %////≥5.5(N)//12~18
Objemová hmotnost g/cm32.5~2.62.55~2.652.6~2.7≥2,65≥2,65≥2.63≥2,65≥3,0
Zjevná pórovitost %≤20≤16≤15≤16≤16≤17≤15≤0,5
Flexural strength at room temperature MPa≥20≥25≥25≥45≥45≥30≥90≥220
Flexural strength at high temperature MPa 1400℃///≥45≥45≥30≥90≥240
Cold Crushing strength MPa≥100≥100≥120≥160≥150≥140≥300≥800
(SiC) bricksphysical and chemical indicators

Features of silicon carbide bricks

  1. Odolnost proti korozi
  2. Slightly large
  3. Dobrá tepelná vodivost
  4. Strong impact resistance
  5. Low thermal expansion coefficient is a high-quality high-temperature resistant material

Types of silicon carbide bricks

silicon carbide brick manufacturers
silicon carbide brick manufacturers

Classification by combination method

Silicon carbide refractory bricks can be divided into clay-bonded silicon carbide bricks, β-silicon carbide bonded silicon carbide bricks, silicon oxynitride bonded silicon carbide bricks, silicon nitride bonded silicon carbide bricks, and Sialon bonded silicon carbide bricks according to different bonding methods.

Classification by chemical content

According to the different contents of chemical components, silicon carbide bricks are mainly divided into oxide-bonded silicon carbide bricks, green silicon carbide bricks, corundum silicon carbide bricks, mullite silicon carbide bricks, and high alumina silicon carbide bricks.

Application of silicon carbide brick

silicon carbide brick
SiC refractory brick
  1. Used in the metallurgical industry
    The metallurgical industry mainly uses aluminum melting furnaces for aluminum alloy smelting, secondary tuyere bricks for blast furnaces, atd.
  2. Used in the power industry
    V energetice, it is mainly used in boilers and is set at the nozzle of the boiler combustion chamber.
  3. Used in the waste disposal industry
    Silicon carbide bricks can also be used in waste incinerators

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O skupině Rongsheng

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