Důvody pro rozdíl v barevném rozdílu žáruvzdorných požárních cihel

The color difference is a common phenomenon in the production and use of refractory fire bricks. Although color difference generally does not affect the performance and use of žáruvzdorné cihly, it may affect the uniformity of appearance, thus arousing the attention of users.

refractory fire bricks
refractory fire bricks

Why do refractory fire bricks have color differences?

  1. The bricks are not stacked properly when loading the kiln car, and the sparse and uneven bricks cause the flame to not evenly heat all the bricks so the bricks are unevenly heated during preheating. The moisture of the refractory bricks is not completely removed before entering the firing zone, causing some refractory bricks to have different colors, some darker and some lighter.
  2. The refractory brick processing temperature is not well controlled. Since most of the current tunnel kilns use gas generator gas as fuel, the firing temperature fluctuates too much due to reasons such as coal quality, gas furnace operation, and different fired products, causing some parking spaces to have high temperatures and some low temperatures.
  3. The exhaust fan has too much pulling force so when the flame cannot reach the top of the kiln, it is pulled out of the high-temperature zone in the horizontal direction by the pulling force, resulting in a large temperature difference between the top and the bottom. The temperature difference of the fired refractory bricks can reach 50 degrees so that sometimes the lower products are adhered and deformed to produce waste, while the upper part still does not reach the sintering temperature.
kiln bricks
kiln bricks

How to reduce the color difference of fire bricks?

  • Optimize raw materials: select raw materials with stable composition and impurity content to reduce fluctuations in mineral composition.
  • Strictly control ingredients: ensure uniform mixing of raw materials and additives to avoid ratio differences.
  • Accurately control the firing process: optimize kiln temperature and atmosphere to ensure consistent firing of each batch of bricks.
  • Improve kiln equipment: use modern kiln equipment to improve the controllability of temperature and atmosphere.
  • Sorting inspection: in the finished product inspection link, classify according to color to ensure the color uniformity of the products leaving the factory.
refractory fire bricks
refractory fire bricks