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সম্পর্কিত যোগাযোগ |

Diatomite insulation brick is often used as insulation for high-temperature kilns and other thermal equipment. Diatomite bricks comprise a small amount of binder and combustible materials added to diatomite. The production of diatomite bricks requires wetting, mixing Raw materials, ছাঁচনির্মাণ, firing, and other steps.

diatomite insulation brick
diatomite insulation brick

Physical and chemical indicators of diatomite insulation bricks

Products PropertiesFR-0.5FR-0.6FR-0.7FR-0.8FR-1.0
Bulk density g/cm3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
Cold crushing strength kg/cm2≥ 8≥ 12≥ 20≥ 35≥ 50
Reheat shrinkage % at 900° C×8hrs0.
Thermal conductivity W/(M. K)at 300° C mean0.
Max service temp ° C900900900900900
Chemical composition %

The main chemical composition of diatomite insulation firebrick

Diatomite insulation brick’s main chemical composition is SiO2, followed by Al23, and impurities such as iron oxides, potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium.

Advantages of diatomite bricks

diatomite bricks
diatomite bricks
  1. The fire-resistant thermal expansion rate is small, and not easy to deform.
  2. It has lightweight and high compressive strength.
  3. Good heat preservation effect, and reduces energy consumption.
  4. Low bulk density and small thermal conductivity.
  5. The construction is convenient and the surface is smooth.

Application of diatomite insulation bricks

Diatomite insulation bricks are often used in electric power, ধাতুবিদ্যা, রাসায়নিক শিল্প, and cement industries, especially in pipes and fireplaces of thermal equipment.

Diatomite insulation brick supplier certificate

অবাধ্য কাঁচামাল শংসাপত্র
অবাধ্য কাঁচামাল শংসাপত্র

Rongsheng success cases

refractory customers
refractory customers

এর জন্য রোংশেং কারখানা স্থাপন করা হয়েছে 20 বছর, exported to more than 80 দেশগুলি, and has more than 1,000 transaction customers. We hope to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with our customers.

যোগাযোগ করুন

      একটি বার্তা রেখে যান

      একটি বার্তা রেখে যান