Прымяненне сілікатнага парашка цырконію
Парашок сілікатаў цырконію ўяўляе сабой белае крышталічнае цвёрдае рэчыва. Парашок сіліката цырконія таксама з'яўляецца нерастваральным у вадзе злучэннем і мае высокую стабільнасць у звычайных умовах.
Zircon silicate powder application
Zirconium silicate powder has good chemical stability and is widely used in the production of various building ceramics, сантэхнічная кераміка, штодзённай керамікі, and first-class craft ceramics. It can significantly improve the bonding performance of ceramic glaze and increase the hardness of ceramic glaze. In the glass industry, zirconium silicate is further used in the production of color picture tubes, emulsified glass, and enamel glazes. The melting point of zirconium silicate is very high: 2500 degrees Celsius, so it is also widely used in refractory materials, glass furnace zirconium ramming materials, castables, напыленне пакрыццяў, г.д.
ZrSiO4 powder preparation method
Solid-phase reaction methods usually accomplish the preparation of ZrSiO4 powder. A common preparation method is to react zirconium sand (zirconia ore) and silica at high temperatures to obtain zirconium silicate. During this reaction, a reducing agent is used to reduce the oxidation state of zirconium. The preparation process requires strict control of reaction conditions and proportions to ensure the purity and quality of the product.
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