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Аб Кантакт |

Zircon powder is a fine powder made from zircon, a mineral that is found in nature. Zircon is a hard, white mineral that is resistant to heat and corrosion.

Zircon powder is a versatile material with a wide range of applications. It is a hard, wear-resistant material that is also resistant to heat and corrosion. Zircon flour is an important material in a variety of industries, including ceramics, шкло, refractories, metalworking, and water filtration.

парашок цырконія
парашок цырконія

Zircon powder physical and chemical indicators

ПунктTypical Value(325mesh)
ZrO2  %66.24
Сіё2  %32.65
Fe2О3  %0.05
Ал2О3  %0.25
Тыо2  %0.11
CaO %0.03
325mesh passing rate %95.4

Characteristics of zirconium powder

парашок цырконія
парашок цырконія

Zircon powder, extracted from zircon, is an important industrial raw material. It has the characteristics of a high melting point and good chemical stability, and is widely used in the ceramic industry; zircon flour has a high melting point of 2500 degrees Celsius, so it is also widely used in refractory materials, шкляной печы цырконій трамбоўкі матэрыялаў, castables, and spray coatings.

Application of zircon flour

Zircon powder has many superior properties and is therefore widely used in many fields. In the ceramic industry, zircon powder, as the main material, can increase the wear resistance and surface finish of ceramics. Адначасова, it also plays an important role in the glass manufacturing industry, improving the quality and service life of glass. У дадатак, zirconium powder is also used as an additive for high-temperature coatings, rubber, пластмасы, and other materials, enhancing their hardness and strength. In the electronics industry, zirconium powder is used as a dielectric and piezoelectric ceramic, providing high precision and excellent performance for electronic components.

Zircon flour packaging and storage

zircon powder manufacturer
zircon powder manufacturer

Packaging: 25kg/bag (customizable), packed in ton bags
Storage and transportation: rainproof and moisture-proof, the warehouse must be ventilated and dry.

Прадстаўленне кампаніі Rongsheng

Аб Rongsheng Group
Аб Rongsheng Group

Rongsheng Company is a professional supplier of refractory materials, з 10 шматгадовы вопыт экспарту, экспарт у больш чым 80 краіны. Асноўная прадукцыя кампаніі Rongsheng ўключае розныя вогнетрывалыя цэглу, нефасонных вогнетрывалых матэрыялаў, металургічныя матэрыялы, цеплаізаляцыйныя матэрыялы, і гэтак далей.

    Пакінь паведамленне


    1. M.T.Razavilar

      Dear Sir / madam
      We have been importing Kolain ,Zinc oxide ,Zirconium Silicate and Aluminium Oxide to Iran
      Since 2002.
      We are interested in having a business relationship with your company for the long term.
      Would you please send us a price list of your items, namely the same as above items .

      Waiting to get your reply

      DP company
      Tehranpars ave 144 west no 42
      Cod 16517
      Tehran /Iran
      Tell 009821 77711330
      Fax 0098 21 77881529
      Mobil 0098 9121234889

    2. 3 pallets of flour and 3 pallets of zircon sand. Can you get me a delivered price into Toronto Canada.

      We currently source out of South Africa.

    Пакінь паведамленне