Крэмнійская цэгла выраблена з кварцавага каменнага матэрыялу, the content of SiO2 is above 93%, and it has good resistance to acid slag and good heat conductivity. The refractoriness is 1690~1710°C, Правіла выходзіць за рамкі 1620 ° C.

Silica fire brick parameters
Iitem | Паказальнік | ||||
BG-96A | BG-96B | BG-95 | JG-94 | GZ-94 | |
Сіо2% | ≥96 | ≥96 | ≥95 | ≥94.5 | ≥94 |
Fe2о3% | ≤0,6 | ≤0,8 | ≤1,0 | ≤1,2 | ≤1,4 |
Melt Index % | ≤0,5 | ≤0,7 | / | / | / |
Ўяўная сітаватасць % | ≤21 | ≤22 | ≤22 | ≤22 | ≤24 |
True Density g/cm3 | ≤2,34 | ≤2,33 | ≤2.35 | ||
Normal Temperature Compressive Strength MPa | ≥40 | ≥35 | ≥30 | ≥40 | ≥30 |
0.2MPa Load Softening Start Temperature℃ | ≥1680 | ≥1670 | ≥1670 | ≥1650 | ≥1650 |
Heating Permanent Line Change %1450℃*2h | 0-0.2 | / | |||
Residual Quartz % | ≤3 | ≤1,5 | / |
The scope of application of silica bricks

It is an acidic refractory material, with strong resistance to acidic slag or acidic solution corrosion, but poor resistance to alkaline corrosion; high load softening temperature, reaching 1640~1680℃; poor thermal shock resistance, refractory degree 1690~1730℃, mainly used for coke Furnaces, гарачыя доменныя печы, glass kilns, carbon roasting furnaces, г.д.
Characteristics of silica brick

- High softening temperature under load.
- Высокая цеплаправоднасць.
- Good thermal shock resistance at high temperatures.
- High-temperature volume stability.
Silica brick shipment

When an order is received, our factory will start production immediately. The specific delivery date needs to be determined according to the order quantity. We will produce silicon refractory bricks in strict accordance with customized requirements.

Прадстаўленне кампаніі Rongsheng
Rongsheng Company is a professional supplier of refractory materials, з 10 шматгадовы вопыт экспарту, экспарт у больш чым 80 краіны. Асноўная прадукцыя кампаніі Rongsheng ўключае розныя вогнетрывалыя цэглу, нефасонных вогнетрывалых матэрыялаў, металургічныя матэрыялы, цеплаізаляцыйныя матэрыялы, і гэтак далей.

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