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Welcome to Rongsheng Refractories! As a global leading supplier of refractory material manufacturers, we are committed to providing high-quality refractory products and professional refractory technical services to all walks of life. We can provide the most suitable refractory solutions for steel, шкло, кераміка, цэмент, petrochemical, power, or other high-temperature industries.

Refractory materials for high temperature kilns
Refractory materials for high-temperature kilns

Refractory products for you to choose

High-temperature refractory bricks

We have hundreds of different refractory bricks for you to choose from. We can also recommend suitable high-temperature refractory bricks based on your kiln temperature and operating environment. The following are several popular refractory bricks.

Цэгла з высокім утрыманнем гліназёму

  • Высокая вогнетрывалая тэмпература
  • Добрая трываласць
  • Ўстойлівасць да хімічнай карозіі
  • Добрая цеплаправоднасць
  • Доўгі тэрмін службы
  • Зносаўстойлівы

Фізіка-хімічны індэкс вогнетрывалай цэглы з высокім утрыманнем алюмінію:
Тугаплаўкасць(°C )≥1790≥1790≥1790≥1770≥1750
Насыпная шчыльнасць(г/см3)2.652.52.452.42.3
Тэмпература размякчэння пад нагрузкай(°C )1530≥1520≥1500≥1470≥1420
Перагрэў Лінейныя змены хуткасці (%)1500°CX2H0.
Ўяўная сітаватасць (%)22≤23≤23≤22≤22
Трываласць на халоднае раздушванне (Мпа)55≥50≥45≥40≥35
Ужываннеsteel furnace, glass furnace, sodium silicate furnace, ceramic shuttle kiln, cement rotary kiln, blast furnace, electric furnace, blast furnace and reverberatory furnace.
Магнезіальна-вугляродная цэгла

Магнезіальна-вугляродная цэгла

  1. Добрая ўстойлівасць да высокіх тэмператур.
  2. Моцная шлакостойкость.
  3. Добрая ўстойлівасць да тэрмічнага ўдару.
  4. Нізкая паўзучасць пры высокіх тэмпературах.
  5. Нізкі каэфіцыент цеплавога пашырэння, нялёгка дэфармаваць.
  6. Нялёгка ачысціць.
Magneisa Carbon Brick
Bulk Density (g/cm3)2.952.902.852.802.78
Apparent Porosity (%)3~53~53~53~53~5
Compressive Strength (kg/cm2)450400400350350
Expansion at 1000 ℃
Chemical Composition (%)MgO8684807674
AZS Брык

AZS Брык

1. Ўстойлівасць да высокіх тэмператур, высокая трываласць, widely used in various kilns

2. Raw material with high purity and high aluminum content

3. Нізкая цеплаправоднасць. Good thermal stability and corrosion resistance

4. The size is accurate and can be customized.

ПунктFused Cast AZS Brick
Volume density g/cm3≥3.75≥3.85≥4.00
Apparent Porosity %≤1.2≤1,0≤1.2
Cold Crushing Strength Mpa≥200≥200≥200
Exudation Temperature of Glass Phase≥1400≥1400≥1410
Bubble Separation Ratio(1300℃×10h)≤1.2≤1,0≤1,0
Anti-corrosion rate of glass liquid 1500℃×36h (mm/24h)%≤1.4≤1.3≤1.2
Bulk density(g/cm3)Ordinary casting PT(RN RC N)≥3.55≥3.55≥3.70
No shrinking casting ZWS(RR EVF EC ENC)≥3.65≥3.75≥3.85
Tilt casting QX(RO)≥3.65≥3.75≥3.90
No shrinkage casting WSRT VF EPIC FVP DCL)≥3.75≥3.80≥3.95
Silicon Carbide Mullite Bricks

Silicon Carbide Mullite Bricks

Ўстойлівасць да карозіі
Abrasion resistance
Ўстойлівасць да тэрмічнага ўдару
Добрая цеплаправоднасць

Al2O3 %63605763
SiO2+SiC %30303030
Ўяўная сітаватасць %17171917
Cold crushing strength Mpa859090100
Refractoriness under load ℃ (0.2Мпа)1650160015501680
Ўстойлівасць да тэрмічнага ўдару(11oo℃, water cooling)10101213
Bulk density g/cm32.652.602.552.65
Cold abrasion resistance cm35555
Thermal conductivity(w/m·k)

Insulation bricks

муллитовый цеплаізаляцыйны цэгла

Муллитовая ізаляцыйная цэгла

  1. Плаўленне з нізкай тэмпературай
  2. Нізкая цеплаправоднасць
  3. Высокая вогнеўстойлівасць
  4. Добрая хімічная ўстойлівасць
  5. Высокая трываласць на сціск і выгіб
  6. Дакладны выгляд і памер
Муллитовая ізаляцыйная цэгла
Al2O3 %3754647277
Fe2O3 %
 Цеплаправоднасць (w/m*k)400℃
Classification Temperature (℃)12601430154016501760
Thermal Expansion 1000℃ (%)
Bulk Density (g/cm3)0.55-0.620.78-0.80.881.031.25
Cold Crushing Strength (Мпа)
Modulus of Rupture (Мпа)
Reheating Linear Change (%)CT-30℃*8H1230℃-0.51400℃-0.51510℃-0.51620℃-0.91730℃-0.9

Monolithics refractory product

Monolithic refractory materials, also known as bulk refractory materials or amorphous refractory materials, refer to those refractory materials that are not formed by firing. Unlike traditional shaped refractory bricks, unstructured refractory materials do not have a fixed shape or size. They usually exist in the form of powder, granules, mud, or fibers. When used, they are directly poured, rammed, sprayed, applied, or filled at the construction site according to the needs.

Low and Ultra-Low Cement Castable

Нізкія і звышнізкія цэментныя канструкцыі

  1. Высокая вогнеўстойлівасць, high temperature, and low-temperature resistance
  2. Erosion resistance, impact resistance, high wear resistance, высокая трываласць
  3. Strong plasticity, can be cast into any shape
  4. Good air tightness, can reduce heat loss and save energy
мUltra Low Cement Castable
МатэрыялClayВысокі гліназёмCorundum
Bulk Density (g/cm3)2.352.703.20
Flexural Strength(Мпа)110℃*16h668
Compressive Strength(Мпа)110℃*16h404060
Line change rate after burning(%)110℃*16h-0.100
Safe Service Temperature140014501650

Ceramic fiber products

Ceramic fiber module
Ceramic fiber module
Ceramic fiber board
Ceramic fiber board
Ceramic fiber module
Ceramic fiber module

Customized other types of refractory products

refractory products
refractory products

Why choose us to cooperate?

Rongsheng Refractory Material Manufacturer
Rongsheng Refractory Material Manufacturers
  • High-quality products: All our refractories and refractory bricks are strictly controlled to ensure that each product meets the highest industry standards. Our products have excellent resistance to high temperature, wear, and corrosion, and can meet the needs of various complex environments.
  • Advanced production technology: We have advanced production equipment and process technology to ensure the high precision and consistency of our products. We continue to introduce and innovate production technology to provide more efficient and energy-saving refractory solutions.
  • Strong R&D capabilities: We have an experienced technical team dedicated to the research development and innovation of refractory materials. We continue to develop new products and improve product performance according to market demand to meet the diverse needs of customers.
  • Professional technical support: We are not only a refractory supplier, but also your reliable partner. Our technical experts can provide you with all-round support from product selection, and installation guidance to use and maintenance, ensuring that your production process is smoother and more efficient.
  • Global service network: Our customers are all over the world, including Europe, Asia, America, Africa, and other places. We can respond quickly to customer needs, provide efficient logistics services, and ensure that products are delivered on time.

Refractory material manufacturers customer cases

After 20 years of accumulation, we have many successful customers covering multiple industries and countries. For example, we provide high-alumina bricks for steel plants, customize high-temperature-resistant zircon bricks for glass plants, and provide various refractory products for foundries. Our products have been highly praised and trusted by customers.

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