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Аб Кантакт |

Ferrovanadium nitride alloy is a new vanadium nitrogen alloyit is the new vanadium nitrogen alloy additive has better performance than ferrovanadium and vanadium nitride.

It is widely used in high-strength spiral mosquito reinforcement, high-strength pipeline steel, high-strength steel (H-beam, I-beam, channel steel, angle steel), thin slab continuous casting and rolling high-strength steel strip, non-quenched and tempered steel, high-speed tool steel and other products. The recovery rate can reach more than 95%, and the average absorption rate is 3% – 5% higher than that of vanadium nitrogen alloy. It has a more stable performance and has higher grain refinement and strength improvement Toughness, ductility, and other functions.

Ferrovanadium nitride alloy parameter

МаркаChemical Composition/%N/V Rate
Apparent densityFeV45N10≥5.4FeV55N11≥5.0FeV65N13≥4.6

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Пастаўшчык вогнетрывалых матэрыялаў Rongsheng
Пастаўшчык вогнетрывалых матэрыялаў Rongsheng

Rongsheng Company is a professional supplier of refractory materials, з 10 шматгадовы вопыт экспарту, экспарт у больш чым 80 краіны. Асноўная прадукцыя кампаніі Rongsheng ўключае розныя вогнетрывалыя цэглу, нефасонных вогнетрывалых матэрыялаў, металургічныя матэрыялы, thermal insulation materials and so on.

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