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Аб Кантакт |

Corundum mullite is made of high-purity corundum ore and mullite raw materials through mixing, фармоўка, сушка, and sintering in a kiln.

Corundum mullite brick
corundum mullite brick

Corundum mullite brick parameters

Ал2О3  %≥88≥85≥80≥75
Fe2О3  %≤0,6≤0,8≤1,0≤1,2
Відавочная сітаватасць %≤15≤16≤17≤18
Аб'ёмная шчыльнасць G/см3≥3,0≥2,9≥2,8≥2,65
Трываласць пры халодным раздушванні МПа≥125≥110≥100≥80
0.2Mpa Refractoriness Under Load ℃≥1700≥1680≥1660≥1650
Permanent Linear Change Rate %
Thermal Shock Resistance Cycle 1100℃ Water Cooling≥15≥12≥10≥10

Application fields

Corundum mullite bricks are widely used as lining materials and insulation materials in high-temperature kilns, ацяпляльныя печы, converters, oxidation furnaces, electric furnaces, and other equipment in metallurgy, хімічнай прамысловасці, building materials, electric power, і іншыя галіны прамысловасці. They are high-end refractory materials an important part of it.

corundum mullite brick application industries
corundum mullite brick application industries

About Rongsheng refractory supplier

Rongsheng is a professional manufacturer of refractory materials, with rich production experience and technical strength, and can provide high-quality corundum mullite bricks and other refractory bricks, unshaped refractory raw materials.
Refractory bricks are an important raw material for kiln production. At present, the hot-selling products of refractory bricks include high-alumina refractory bricks, магнезіальна-вугляродзістай цэглу, magnesia chrome bricks, fused corundum bricks, г.д.

Video of corundum mullite brick

Corundum mullite brick delivery

corundum mullite refractory brick
corundum mullite refractory brick

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