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Аб Кантакт |

Aluminum silicate fiberboard is a refractory material made of high-purity aluminum silicate fibers through mixing, фармоўка, and high-temperature treatment. It has excellent heat insulation performance, ўстойлівасць да высокіх тэмператур, and chemical stability, and is often used for heat insulation, heat preservation, and fire prevention of high-temperature equipment.

Features of aluminum silicate fiber board

aluminum silicate fiberboard
aluminum silicate fiberboard
  1. High compressive strength and long service life
  2. Low thermal conductivity and low heat capacity
  3. Stones are not easy to break and have good toughness
  4. Accurate size and good flatness
  5. Easy to cut and install, convenient for construction
  6. Uniform fiber distribution and stable performance

Which industries is aluminum silicate fiberboard applied to?

  • Чорная металургія: expansion joints, backing insulation, heat shields, and mold insulation
  • Non-ferrous metals industry: backing insulation, tundish and launder covers, for pouring copper and copper-containing alloys
  • Керамічная прамысловасць: Lightweight kiln car structure is used in the hot surface lining of the kiln, the temperature zone partition of the kiln, and the fireproof material
  • Шкляная прамысловасць: Melt pool backing insulation, burner blocks
  • Furnace pouring: hot face refractories (replacing fiber blankets), heavy refractory backings, expansion joints
  • Light industry: the lining of industrial and domestic boiler combustion chambers
  • Petrochemical industry: hot surface material for the lining of high-temperature heating furnace
  • Building materials industry: thermal insulation of cement rotary kiln and other equipment

Увядзенне Ронгшэнга

Rongsheng company is a supplier of refractory materials. Refractory materials are materials for kiln construction and maintenance. Our products include вогнетрывалай цэглы, monolithic refractory materials, вогнетрывалая сыравіна, і ceramic fiber products. Завод быў створаны для 20 years and has rich experience in exporting refractory materials.

Пастаўшчык вогнетрывалых матэрыялаў Rongsheng
Пастаўшчык вогнетрывалых матэрыялаў Rongsheng

Refractory certificate

refractory certificate
refractory certificate

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