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Вогнетрывалая цэгла для шклоапрацоўчай печы

Float glass furnace

Float glass furnace refractories for each part

float glass furnace

1. L-shaped hanging wall

Silica brick

2. Melting part

Fused Brick Silica Brick

3. Stuck neck

Silica brick

4. Cooling unit

Corundum refractories, silica bricks

5. Annealing kiln, regenerator

High alumina bricks, гліняная цэгла, directly bonded magnesia chrome bricks

Glass production process

Glass: an amorphous solid substance obtained by cooling and hardening of a molten substance. The production process includes the preparation of raw materialsthe melting of molten glassthe shaping of glass productsthe annealing of glass products. The process in the glass kiln includes the mixing of glass batch materials in a reasonable It melts into a liquid phase under the temperature regime, homogenizes and clarifies it, and becomes a transparent liquid.

Silica brick

Silica bricks are refractory products with a SiO2 content of more than 93%. They are made from silica with a silicon content of >96%, adding mineralizers and binders, and then mixing, shaping, сушка, and firing. They are mainly used for coke oven carbonization. Chambers, combustion chambers and partition walls, glass kiln roofs, kiln walls, high-temperature load-bearing parts of hot blast furnaces carbon roasting furnaces, and other kilns. True density <2.35. It is an acidic refractory material, which is highly resistant to acidic slag or acidic solution corrosion, but has poor resistance to alkaline corrosion; the load softening temperature is high at 1640~1680℃; It has poor thermal shock resistance and fire resistance of 1690~1730℃.

Melt index %≤0,5≤0,7///
Ўяўная сітаватасць %≤21≤22≤22≤22≤24
True density g/cm3≤2,34≤2,33
Normal temperature compressive strength MPa≥40≥35≥30≥40≥30
0.2MPa load softening temperature℃≥1680≥1670≥1670≥1650≥1650
Heating permanent line changes %1450℃*2h0-0.2
Рэшткавы кварц %≤3≤1,5/

Fused zirconia corundum brick


Fused zirconia corundum bricks are used to build kiln pool walls, flame space parapets, small furnace spouts, small furnace level gates, small furnace stacks, tongue gates, г.д. Fused zirconia corundum bricks with 41% zirconium content are used for The corners of the masonry pool wall, the liquid flow hole, and other parts where the glass liquid has the most severe erosion on the refractory material. This material is the glass industry’s most widely used fused cast refractory.

ПунктПлаўленая літая цэгла AZS
склад %
Аб'ёмная шчыльнасць г/см3≥3,75≥3,85≥4,00
Бачная сітаватасць %≤1,2≤1,0≤1,2
Трываласць на халоднае раздушванне, МПа≥200≥200≥200
Тэмпература эксудацыі шкляной фазы≥1400≥1400≥1410
Каэфіцыент аддзялення бурбалак(1300 ℃ × 10 гадзін)≤1,2≤1,0≤1,0
Хуткасць антыкаразійнай стойкасці шкляной вадкасці 1500 ℃ × 36 гадзін (мм/24 гадзіны)%≤1,4≤1,3≤1,2
Насыпная шчыльнасць(г/см3)Радавы ліццё PT(РН РК Н)≥3,55≥3,55≥3,70
Без ўсаджвання ліцця ZWS(RR EVF EC ENC)≥3,65≥3,75≥3,85
Нахіленае ліццё QX(RO)≥3,65≥3,75≥3,90
Ліццё без ўсаджвання WS( RT VF EPIC FVP DCL)≥3,75≥3,80≥3,95

Магнезіальная цэгла

Magnesia check bricks

The glass kiln regenerator will use 98 magnesia bricks and 96 magnesia bricks

straight bricksTubular brickstraight bricksTubular brickstraight bricksTubular brickstraight bricksTubular brick
Sio2 %≤1.8≤1.8≤1,5≤1,5≤1,0≤1,0≤0,6≤0,6
Ca0 %≤2.0≤2.0≤1.8≤1.8≤1,5≤1,5≤1,3≤1,3
Насыпная шчыльнасць г/см3≥2,95≥2.93≥2.98≥2,95≥3,0≥2.98≥3.02≥3,0
Бачная сітаватасць %≤17≤18≤16≤17≤15.5≤16.5≤15.5≤16.5
Normal temperature compressive strength MPa≥70≥60≥70≥60≥70≥60≥70≥60
0.2MPaload softening temperature ℃16801680≥1700
Thermal shock resistance 950℃ air times≥10

Dense zircon bricks

Dense zircon bricks

Dense zircon stone is manufactured using isostatic pressing/sintering technology. It has excellent properties such as high-temperature resistance, добрая ўстойлівасць да тэрмічнага ўдару, and resistance to glass liquid erosion. It is mainly used in the bottom and upper space of alkali-free glass and borosilicate glass tank kilns. Bricks, hook bricks, gap bricks, trough bricks, thermocouple bricks, and viewing hole bricks.

Zro2 %≥65≥68≥65≥65≥63
Sio2 %≤33≤30≤33≤33≤35
Fe203 %≤0,2≤0,2≤0,2≤0,2≤0,2
TiO2 %≤1,2≤1,2≤1,2≤1,2/
Насыпная шчыльнасць г/см3≥4.3≥4.1≥3.7≥3.6≥3,55
Ўяўная сітаватасць %≤1≤11≤17≤19≤20
Normal temperature compressive strength MPa≥300≥200≥100≥80≥60
0.2MPa load softening starting temperature ℃≥1700≥1700≥1680≥1650≥1600

Sintered zirconium corundum brick

Sintered zirconium corundum bricks

Sintered zirconium corundum bricks have good resistance to alkali vapor and thermal shock. They are mainly used in the flame space of glass kilns, regenerator bricks, and upper grids. They can also be used in float glass kilns and daily glass kilns. Pave the bottom or forehearth with large bricks.

Zro2 %≥16≥20≥32
Fe203 %≤0,5≤0,5≤0,5
Насыпная шчыльнасць г/см3≥2.7≥2,8≥3.2
Ўяўная сітаватасць %≤20≤18≤18
Normal temperature compressive strength MPa≥70≥80≥80
0.2MPa load softening starting temperature ℃≥1580≥1620≥1630

Zero expansion silica bricks for repair

Zero expansion silica bricks

The linear expansion coefficient of zero-expansion silica brick is close to 0, it has excellent thermal shock resistance, high softening temperature under load, and is safe and reliable for long-term use.

Сіо2 %≥97≥98≥98.5
Ал203 %≤0,5≤0.3≤0,2
Fe203 %≤0.3≤0,2≤0.1
Bulk density g/cm3≥1.75≥1.8≥1.85
Ўяўная сітаватасць %≤22≤20≤18
Normal temperature compressive strength MPa≥25≥30≥35
0.2MPa load softening starting temperature ℃≥1500≥1600≥1650
Linear expansion rate % 1000℃≤0,2≤0,2≤0,2
Thermal shock resistance 1100℃ water cooling times≥30≥30≥30

Low porosity clay brick

Low porosity clay brick
Low porosity clay brick
Ал203 %≥47≥45≥42≥45≥40≥36
Fe203 %≤1,2≤1,5≤1.8///
Bulk density g/cm3≥2.4≥2.34≥2.26/2.0-2.4/
Ўяўная сітаватасць %≤11≤14≤17≤16≤19(22)≤22(24)
Normal temperature compressive strength MPa≥80≥65≥50≥60≥40(35)≥35(30)
0.2MPa load softening starting temperature ℃≥1520≥1470≥1430≥1430≥1430≥1380
Heated permanent line change % x2h0.1~-0.21500+0.1~-0.21400-0.2-+0.1-0.2~+0.1-0.3~+0.1-0.4~+0.1

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