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Zirconia bubble brick is a kind of high-temperature refractory material, which is composed of zirconia bubble particles and binders. Zirconia bubble particles are a porous material composed of zirconia particles, which have high compressive strength and good thermal insulation performance.

Zirconia bubble brick physical and chemical indicators

Zr(Hf2+Stabilizer %≥99≥98
ال2ا3  %.40.4≤0.6
SiO2  %≤
Fe2ا3  %≤0.2≤0.2
الكثافة الظاهرية جم / سم32.4~2.92.9~3.23.2~3.82.4~2.92.9~3.23.2~3.8
قوة السحق البارد MPa≥10≥15≥20≥10≥15≥20
الموصلية الحرارية W /(م · ك)
Hot Face 1100℃
Permanent linear change %
1600℃ × 3 ح

Application of zirconia hollow sphere brick

refractory bricks for kilns
refractory bricks for kilns

Zirconia bubble bricks are mainly used for heat preservation and heat insulation of high-temperature furnaces and are widely used in various furnace equipment in metallurgy, صناعة كيميائية, مواد بناء, سيراميك, زجاج, وغيرها من الصناعات. Compared with traditional insulation materials, zirconia bubble bricks have a higher refractory temperature, better thermal stability, and longer service life.

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مصنع رونغ شنغ
مصنع رونغ شنغ
  1. جودة جيدة. Rongsheng Group strictly controls the production process and conducts quality inspections after production is completed
  2. معدات كاملة. Large-scale production in the factory, providing high-quality zirconia bubble bricks
    with fast shipments. صياغة خطط الإنتاج بسرعة بعد تلقي استفسارات العملاء, وعموما السفينة في الداخل 7-12 أيام
  3. خدمة شاملة. We have good pre-sales guidance and after-sales feedback and problem-solving services. مضمون لحل مشاكل العملاء.

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