Sintered zirconia corundum bricks are sintered at high temperature by zirconia and corundum minerals.
The glass liquid has the characteristics of strong erosiveness, مقاومة درجات الحرارة العالية, استقرار جيد للصدمات الحرارية, excellent high temperature creep resistance, strong corrosion resistance to slag and glass liquid, إلخ., and is used in glass furnace lattices, small furnaces, working pools, domes and forehearths and other parts.
Sintered zirconium corundum brick parameters

Sintered zirconia corundum brick application
- صناعة المعادن: used for lining of high temperature equipment such as furnace, kiln and heating furnace.
- Electric power industry: used for refractory materials inside the electric furnace, such as the hearth and furnace wall of the electric furnace.
- الصناعة الكيماوية: used in high temperature reactors, catalyst carriers, pipelines, valves and other equipment.
- Other fields: It can also be used in glass melting furnaces, steelmaking, إنتاج الأسمنت, ceramic production, aerospace and other fields.
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