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Self-flowing refractory castables are a type of refractory castable material with self-leveling properties, which are widely used in the lining construction of high-temperature industrial equipment and furnaces. Compared with traditional المقابلات الحرارية, they have the advantages of simple construction, strong adaptability, and high cost-effectiveness. Self-flowing castables can flow into the predetermined area by their own weight without the need for external vibration to form a tight lining layer. They are widely used in industries such as metallurgy, سيراميك, البتروكيماويات, زجاج, and electricity.

self-flowing castables
self-flowing castables

Physical and chemical indicators of self-flowing castables

Al2o3% 6570
الكثافة الظاهريةجم/سم3110℃*24h2.52.6
وحدات التمزقالآلام والكروب الذهنية110℃24h67
1500℃ * 3 ح1012
قوة التكسير الباردالآلام والكروب الذهنية110℃*24h3545
1500℃ * 3 ح6075
Permanent liner change%110℃ * 3 ح+-0.1+-0.1
1100℃ * 3 ح+-0.5+-0.5
Service temperature15001600

Characteristics of self-flowing refractory castables

The construction method of self-flowing castables is different from that of traditional refractory materials. It can be poured directly into the equipment through pipes, so as to achieve the purpose of quickly and evenly coating the surface of the equipment. This construction method can not only save time and labor costs but also reduce human errors during construction and improve coating quality.

Self-flowing castables also have good mechanical strength and thermal stability, and can maintain their stability and corrosion resistance at high temperatures. فضلاً عن ذلك, the surface of self-flowing castables is smooth and flat, which can effectively reduce the friction loss of the fluid inside the equipment, improve production efficiency and equipment service life.

Application range of free-flow castables

free-flow castables application
free-flow castables application

Self-flowing castables have many advantages that other types of castables cannot match. They can be used for continuous casting tundish linings, electric furnace top triangles, tapping ports, steel ladles, أفران التدفئة, blast furnace tapping channels, CAS-0B furnaces, cast iron induction furnaces, boiler protection tubes, إلخ.

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