كيفية اختيار المواد المقاومة للحرارة للفرن?
When choosing the صهر المواد for a kiln, هناك العديد من العوامل في الاعتبار, حسب نوع الفرن, ظروف العمل, والتكلفة. يمكنك استشارة بعض مصنعي الحراريات المحترفين, أو ابحث عن فنيين محترفين. Rongsheng Refractories can provide customers with professional refractory solutions.
Selection of refractory materials according to the type of kiln

Different types of الأفران require different types of refractories. على سبيل المثال, for drum kilns, rolling kilns, tunnel kilns and other kilns, different types of refractory materials need to be used to adapt to their special working environment and requirements.
Select according to the working temperature of the kiln
The working temperature in the kiln is usually higher than other equipment, and it is necessary to choose refractory materials that can withstand high temperatures. على سبيل المثال, for high-temperature furnaces, high-purity refractory materials, such as zirconia, مطلوبة.
Selecting refractory materials considering chemical properties
Various chemical substances may be present in the kiln, and refractory materials need to be selected to be able to withstand these substances. على سبيل المثال, kilns containing acidic or alkaline components need to choose acid-resistant or alkali-resistant refractory materials.
Consider physical properties
The refractory materials in the kiln need to have physical properties such as low thermal expansion coefficient, high heat capacity and high thermal conductivity to adapt to the high temperature and thermal expansion changes of the kiln. فضلاً عن ذلك, factors such as density, wear resistance and shock resistance of the material need to be considered.
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